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Latest-generation supercomputers at UTC

Anne-Virginie Salsac, Director of Research at the CNRS and Florian De Vuyst, Full Professor at UTC, researchers at the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Laboratory (BMBI), are hosting two supercomputers dedicated in particular to applications in biomedicine and bioengineering.

The hepatogram: measuring liver rigidity

Sabine Bensamoun is a research director at the CNRS and works in the CNRS/BMBI joint research unit at UTC. She is also a research associate at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, USA) and a member of the CNRS National Committee (CoNRS). With Dr Fabrice Charleux of ACRIM, she took part in the international liver study that led to the hepatogram.

A look at the ‘chemistry’ between “E=M6” and UTC

The biomechanics of human body movements, the preservation of charcuterie, out-ofdate meat, the properties of rusks — these are just some of the subjects on which UTC is often the setting for the popular science TV programme “E=M6”, hosted by the iconic French TV presenter and producer that every family in France knows: Mac Lesggy. Let’s meet him!

The first master plan for improving student life at UTC a concrete and achievable action plan

The University of Technology Compiègne is home to some 4 500 students registered for engineering, bachelor’s or professional degrees, master’s degrees and doctorate courses. They now can refer to the very first Student Life Master Plan, entitled the “Student Life Improvement Master Plan».

A month to reaffirm equality

Awarded the prize as the most active school in 2023 at the 13th edition of Les Ingénieuses for organising its first Equality Month, UTC repeated the event from March 14 to April 15. This provides an opportunity to remind everyone of the progress that has been made, but also the progress that still needs to be made, in terms of discrimination, gender equality and the fight against sexual and gender-based violence.

“Made in UTC” sound design on Radio France

Last January, Enora Labidurie and Carmen François, students in Mechanical engineering, won the Radio France sound design prize for their multichannel Olympic Games jingle, organised for the first time during the international biennial Le Mans Sonore.

A fungus that removes pollution

Antoine Fayeulle is a senior lecturer in microbiology and a research scientist at the URC-TIMR Laboratory. In particular, he is conducting research into the properties of a fungus capable of ‘digesting’ hydrocarbons that have accumulated over the years in soils. The champion of decontamination is Talaromyces helicus.

Research targeted on environmental issues

Professor Khashayar Saleh, director of UTC-TIMR, with activities focussed on green chemistry and associate processes. Research areas such as decarbonised energy processes, bio-sourced products and the recovery of non-conventional waste are prioritised.

Technology in the service of art

With a nod and a wink to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and the future materialisation in Songeons Park of the path linking the Musée Antoine- Vivenel and its outsourced temporary exhibition room, the nine 3D-printed so-called ‘hermes’ head-dresses mounted on pillars that two UTC students have created illustrate the long-standing partnership between UTC and the museums of Compiègne.

Highly involved research workers
Serving the Oval ball & France

Julien Piscione, a UTC PhD graduate, has been head of the Performance Support Department at the French Rugby Federation’s sports department since 2016. His passion for sport and keen interest in advanced studies have made him an expert in performance analysis.

Engineering and the climate change challenges

Is engineering training ready to meet the challenges of climate change? It’s a question that a dozen students from the SI01 course worked on for a semester, under the guidance of Clement Mabi, lecturer at UTC. The conclusion of their work takes the form of a debate, broadcast live on the UTC’s social networks.

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Special feature

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Special feature n°61
Facing up to environmental challenges
In a rapidly changing world where environmental issues show multi-facets, UTC is getting its act together, so to speak. The laboratories are mobilising their forces.
This is the case for UTC-TIMR, whether it be in the field of green energy with solid hydrogen, research into alternatives to phytosanitary products for agriculture or chemical products for soil decontamination and finally recovery processes for both organic and non-conventional waste.
Projects with external academic and industrial partners are expanding. These include the Living Lab for optimum management of electrical charging points as part of EE4.0 and the Industrial Chair designed to pursue research in ecodesign.
Finally, the arrival of two Nvidia supercomputers at the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Laboratory (UTC-BMBI) will benefit the lab’s research activity as well as that of UTC as a whole. These supercomputers, which each provides comparable performance levels, have seen their energy consumption cut by a factor of 1 000, from one megawatt for a cluster of machines to two kilowatts.

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Avril 2024 - N°62

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