A UTC graduate at the heart of the creation of the airborne Olympic flame anemptytextlline A UTC graduate at the heart of the creation of the airborne Olympic flame Eppur, concentrated technology made in UTC anemptytextlline Eppur, concentrated technology made in UTC An immersive box that creates links anemptytextlline An immersive box that creates links Ecotrain, a futuristic shuttle anemptytextlline Ecotrain, a futuristic shuttle Tuli, the menstrual cup inspired by origami and tulips anemptytextlline Tuli, the menstrual cup inspired by origami and tulips Plastic visors made at the UTC FabLab anemptytextlline Plastic visors made at the UTC FabLab Thèse chercheuse, Renaud Mignerey anemptytextlline Thèse chercheuse, Renaud Mignerey Archives : la filière Design fête ses 40 ans anemptytextlline Archives : la filière Design fête ses 40 ans The Dyson Award, a cutting-edge competition perfectly suited to the skills and talents of UTC undergraduates anemptytextlline The Dyson Award, a cutting-edge competition perfectly suited to the skills and talents of UTC undergraduates