Committed to facing tomorrow’s challenges

Patrick Dupin is a member of Saint-Gobain’s Management Committee as the Group’s Deputy Managing Director and Managing Director for the Northern Europe Region. He is also President of the UTC Foundation for Innovation and, since 2023, a member of the university’s Academic Board of Directors. He will be Godfather to the graduation ceremonies of the class of 2023.
Patrick Dupin – who has spent the better part of his career at Saint-Gobain, having joined this CAC40 Group in 2000 — emphasises the historic links between the UTC and the group. He is passionate about the issues of training and innovation, particularly in the glass division, since, he says, «glass manufacturing poses numerous challenges in terms of innovation, whether in the smelting process or in the product itself». It is only natural that links have been forged between the Group’s industrial sites in the Compiegne area and the University.
And what is the nature of these links? «We’ve worked together to find industrial solutions, but we’ve also welcomed students for internships at our industrial sites and young engineering graduates for various positions,» explains Patrick Dupin. And what is the underlying idea behind the UTC Foundation for Innovation? «It was cofounded in 2018 by Saint-Gobain, Sopra Steria, Poclain, UTC and UTC Alumni, with the aim of providing resources for the University so that it can develop research projects and continue to innovate. Of course, our aim is to widen this circle of patronage», he explains.
What is his role as Chairman of the Foundation? «Well, it is not exclusively focused on Saint- Gobain. As the Foundation Chairman, I represent all manufacturers. It’s about giving UTC the vision of industrialists, highlighting the challenges they may face and responding to any needs that may emerge. It’s also about enabling UTC to define research programs that may be of interest to industry. Finally, it’s about making sure that UTC and industry can work together on Chair projects or the development of research projects, as well as encouraging industry to work together,» he emphasizes.
And what will be your message to students as their Godfather? «The most important thing for me is to be able to inspire them. I want to show them the value of our commitment to industry, but also, through the example of the Foundation, show them the importance of building bridges between industry and academia by calling on the inventiveness of students and teacher-researchers. It’s also about giving them a taste for industry at a time when the drive to reindustrialize is underway and encouraging them to take part in this adventure. Finally, it’s about telling them that the challenges of tomorrow: decarbonization, economic circularity, preservation of the environment and biodiversity, etc., deserve their commitment and that future technologies can help us find sustainable solutions,» concludes Patrick Dupin.