The Lobster-Jazz Quartet and UTC have a jam-session!

UTC has enjoyed a partnership with the Lobster’Jazz Quartet, working for several months on a research and innovation programme entitled «Jazz & Innovation». A new step was made,December 1, 2020 in the cloisters of the Saint-Corneille Library, Compiègne.
Following an artistic residential stay by of the Quartet hosted at the Saint-CorneilleCloister, a jazz jam-session concert took place. The concert was observed and discussed by various personalities from “civvy street”, sportsmen,entrepreneurs and UTC research scientists. This event, followed live on social networks, is the result of a programme linking jazz and innovation. A project that is more than inspiring, since it is already the result of the implementation of a new way of support for companies in order to reveal and develop their own potential for innovation. In partnership with the City of Compiègne and with the support of the Hauts-de-France Region, this artists’ residency enabled the members of the Lobster’Jazz Quartet to practice musical improvisation.
From an expert to a creative mode
“We tried to demonstrate through a musical discourse and an interactive debate that the jazz improvisation process releases a potential for creativity that can be extrapolated to the field of business innovation by mobilising an original community of action. The musician, like the engineer, has followed a rigorous and structured path. The musician, like the engineer, can, through consistent work, acquire are cognised and appreciated expertise. However, this background is not sufficient, or even discriminating in the practice of improvisation and creativity. We therefore hypothesize that other parameters are mobilized to go from an expert group to an agile and creative group”, explains Pascal Alberti, Director of Innovation and Territorial Development at UTC who on November 5, 2019, had already carried out a first experimentation and illustration of this projectin the Sacem auditorium in front of an audience made up of innovation and business experts.
Pursuing the project in the Hauts-de-France Region
Following this experience, UTC is committed to a second phase in the deployment of sessions in representative cities of the Hauts-de-France region. And this will start with Amiens, on October 1st at the Maison de la Culture. The aim of this event, like the previous ones, is to promote artistic activities using improvisation to illustrate and serve as a field of analysis for a socio-economic innovation approach. This has enabled and will enable the development of methods and processes for creating value to support the economic, managerial and technological dynamics of innovative companies in the Region.