63: Keyword: innovation

The principles of sustainability, ‘predictivity’ and sobriety guide many of the research projects carried out in UTC’s Roberval laboratory. For example, work on ‘Industry 5.0’ aims at optimising plant production by taking environmental indicators into account. Others focus on innovative materials for the automotive industry, which need to be both mechanically precise and lightweight in order to reduce overall vehicle weight. Others again concern the development of tools and numerical models dedicated, inter alia, to the study of the behaviour of structures and materials, but also of fluids, and finally to optimisation. In other words, the optimisation of simulation as such, making it more frugal by reducing calculation times, for example, but also by optimising the mechanical performance of a given material or structure and being able to quantify its robustness. Finally, work on innovative batteries, with models that can diagnose a battery’s state of charge or predict its expected lifespan, for example.