He plays the piano… at UTC

Lucien Oisel, 22 years old, stu­dent in urban engi­neer­ing, also enjoys his pas­sion for music while at UTC. His favourite instru­ment is the piano, which he plays at least twice a week in one of the music rooms of the UTC.

Orig­i­nal­ly from Lille, Lucien Oisel is a sound and music lover. At UTC, he found the ide­al place to study his two favourite sub­jects: engi­neer­ing sci­ences and music. The urban engi­neer­ing stu­dent has been play­ing the piano since he was 9 years old. At UTC, he has access to two week­ly prac­tice ses­sions of this instru­ment that he real­ly likes more than the oth­ers, even if he admits to a cer­tain attrac­tion for the dou­ble bass. “Yes, this instru­ment has a low fre­quen­cy range that I real­ly like. In fact, I have a real sen­si­tiv­i­ty to sounds, to the pitch of sounds, to fre­quen­cies. Quite nat­u­ral­ly, noise also appeals to me,” con­fides Lucien Oisel, who is very inter­est­ed in the noise of the city, trans­port, traf­fic, and the acoustics of our dai­ly lives. This is the rea­son why he fore­sees con­tin­u­ing his stud­ies and spe­cial­is­ing in this field of sound. “A lot of research is already being car­ried out on this sub­ject. I would also like to think about region­al plan­ning from the point of view of acoustics. To see how a sound in a spe­cif­ic area of the city can be per­ceived, to think about how to atten­u­ate a noise with the use of such or such mate­r­i­al. Study­ing the dif­fer­ent sound atmos­pheres of the city inspires me a lot,’ says the pianist who, fol­low­ing a very nice meet­ing with some UTC stu­dents who love gyp­sy jazz, also admits to appre­ci­at­ing the soft sound of the guitar.

UTC and music on the same wavelength: freedom

Lucien Oisel fol­lowed in the foot­steps of his father, who him­self attend­ed UTC in the 80s. After a sci­en­tif­ic bac­calau­re­ate and a prepara­to­ry class, he dis­cov­ered the rich­ness of the teach­ing at this engi­neer­ing school. “And above all, the fact of learn­ing in a free man­ner, of choos­ing and devel­op­ing one’s own path. Not for­get­ting the open­ness to the arts and there­fore to music, which I can prac­tice reg­u­lar­ly. The piano allows me to enjoy and expe­ri­ence superb encoun­ters here at UTC, to make beau­ti­ful con­tacts which will last beyond the school, for sure,” assures the pianist who has two music rooms with a piano at UTC. This allows him to car­ry out jam ses­sions and to per­form with con­fi­dence dur­ing con­certs at the Cloître Saint-Corneille in Com­piègne. “Impro­vi­sa­tion also brings joy and a lot of free­dom,” says the future engi­neer, who is a fan of jazz from the 1930s and is cur­rent­ly rehears­ing for an inter­na­tion­al music fes­ti­val next May in Strasbourg.

Le magazine

Novembre 2024 - N°64

L’intelligence artificielle : un outil incontournable

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