50 years of UTC history in podcasts

Anne-Fleur Andr­le is the cre­ator and author of sev­er­al pod­casts of per­son­al accounts and audio doc­u­men­taries. She has been liv­ing in the Unit­ed States since 2011 and has been pro­duc­ing pod­casts for var­i­ous media and insti­tu­tions since Jan­u­ary 2021. With over 500 episodes of pod­casts to her name, this for­mer UTC stu­dent nat­u­ral­ly came up with the idea of a pod­cast for the UTC’s 50th anniversary.

Anne-Fleur Andr­le is a grad­u­ate of UTC, 2012 with a degree major­ing in Bio­log­i­cal Engi­neer­ing, Bio­me­chan­ics and Bio­ma­te­ri­als, is now a pod­cast pro­duc­er after retrain­ing in 2019, fol­low­ing a pod­cast project car­ried out with her employ­er at the time, MIT, Boston. Since then, she has pro­duced numer­ous pod­casts for var­i­ous insti­tu­tions, includ­ing the French gov­ern­ment and the CNRS.

“When I heard about UTC’s 50th anniver­sary, I got in touch with UTC’s Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Depart­ment to sug­gest the idea of a pod­cast. We worked togeth­er on this project for almost a year. It was a real col­lab­o­ra­tive effort to tell the sto­ry of UTC’s 50 years through the tes­ti­monies of cur­rent and for­mer stu­dents, pro­fes­sors, researchers, admin­is­tra­tive staff and oth­er agents, in five episodes that tell what UTC is, with­out try­ing to be exhaus­tive,” explains the pro­duc­er and direc­tor. The result is a total of five twen­ty-minute pod­casts on the school’s val­ues, its com­mit­ment to the future of the plan­et, its behind-the-scenes work, its local and inter­na­tion­al roots, as well as the UTC’s unique­ness, its DNA, its edu­ca­tion­al inno­va­tions and its research.

Keeping in touch with the UTC

I dis­cov­ered the world of sound in 2008 dur­ing my stud­ies at UTC dur­ing a course on democ­ra­cy. I got in touch with the local radio sta­tion Graf’hit, which is based on UTC cam­pus, where I was able to do a col­umn on Jean-Noël More­au’s pro­gramme. That was my debut in audio. It was a real rev­e­la­tion for me,” con­fides Anne-Fleur, who more than loved this high­ly for­ma­tive expe­ri­ence, which she was able to con­tin­ue through­out her stud­ies at UTC. She even chaired the radio sta­tion’s board of direc­tors dur­ing her final year. “For me, a pod­cast is an inti­mate medi­um where you only talk to the lis­ten­er. The lis­ten­er is in their own bub­ble, in a spe­cial rela­tion­ship over a long peri­od of time. Yes, you have the time to tell a real sto­ry with the pow­er of your voice. I hope that these pod­casts will also enable stu­dents to keep in touch and remain attached to the UTC in this way too. I’m extreme­ly proud to have been able to be part of this project and I can’t wait for every­one to be able to dis­cov­er these pod­casts, which are avail­able on all the ded­i­cat­ed plat­forms and at the exhi­bi­tion organ­ised by the Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Depart­ment,” con­cludes Anne-Fleur, for whom this is a fine way of bring­ing her UTC career full cir­cle, hav­ing learned so much more than just how to be an engi­neer on a day-today basis.

Pod­cast access

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Novembre 2024 - N°64

L’intelligence artificielle : un outil incontournable

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