Uteam: the link between UTC and its partners

UTeam, a valorisation subsidiary 100% owned by UTC-Compiegne, is the gateway to access the competences and the means of UTC. It is the result of the will of the professors-researcher scientists to favour applied research, innovation and collaboration with the industry.
Created in 1987, UTeam has the status of a PLC (public limited company) with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board, and is a subsidiary of UTC for the management of its partnership research. UTeam was created to offer companies of all sizes, from large groups to start-ups, the skills of its network of experts composed of UTC professors-research scientists, external consultants and engineers, thus covering many scientific and technical fields. «UTeam offers specific support for its clients, project holders or company founders. This ranges from activity support to training, including research, engineering, consulting, auditing and educational projects. Our mission, through an agreement with the UTC, is to contribute to the promotion of the know-how of the units and laboratories of the research centre, the technological platforms and the innovation centre, through the development of the partnership activity, and thus to contribute to the enhancement of the image and the reputation of the UTC,» explains Samuel Veillerette, a former development officer on a CNRS contract for the UTC-Heudiasyc laboratory, who became the third President of the Board of directors of the UTeam company in 2015 at the age of 32.
UTeam, the commercial arm of the UTC ecosystem
The company relies on a team of about ten permanent employees to assist about a hundred consultants per year in the setting up and management of business deals from a legal, administrative and financial point of view. UTeam handles an average of 300 projects per year with a turnover of €3.5 million.
«To sum up, UTeam is the commercial arm of UTC. We offer different types of contracts such as research collaborations (Cifre theses, for example), research or services, or educational projects (including project workshops). The pedagogical contracts are particularly appreciated by the companies, but also by town halls, the public authorities and the ministries, because they allow the UTC’s partners to become familiar with the thematic and organisational diversity of the UTC, too often ignored, before setting up more ambitious research or innovation programmes», indicates Samuel Veillerette, himself a graduate from UTC in 2007.
UTeam set up an engineering cluster in 2016 in order to extend the ecosystem’s and laboratories’ offer in terms of development and prototyping, particularly in the digital field. The UTeam engineering division is thus conducting IT developments around the first French quantum computer developed by the start-up Pasqal. UTeam was also behind the structuring of the national network of subsidiaries and related structures, «RENAFI», which organises meetings several times a year to discuss their practices, as well as with the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
UTeam is working on several development axes such as the enlargement of its offers, the development of territorialized thematic aggregates of the Oise metropolitan pole, or the creation of a restaurant for the lecturer-research scientists, the consultants and the partners on the UTC campus.
Among the numerous Project Workshops managed by UTeam, on behalf of the UTC, is the one of the Compiègne station area with the ARC (Greater Compiegne). Several UTC students worked in 2019 on a set of issues and innovations in the field of digital (smart cities, smart urban districts and building), environment (biodiversity, natural risks, nuisances) and socio-economy (circular economy, citizen participation, mobility…); fields that should be articulated within the framework of the future multimodal exchange hub and in particular the renovation of the Compiègne railway station, according to an integrated approach of development and mobility.
Six months of work with two groups of about fifteen students each, supervised by several lecturer-research scientists of UTC, led to the creation of three scenarios for the development of the future eco-district of the station. «This Project Workshop was a great opportunity for us to participate in a development project aiming to build the future of an econeighbourhood by imagining and studying the constraints and feasibility. It was a rich work in acquiring knowhow and skills. The integration of feedback from the consultation with the citizens allowed us to support the anchoring of our proposals on the ground, by selecting the most relevant innovations for the Compiègne territory», the students stated in their report.