Introducing an industrial woman

Please meet Géraldine Soulié, 51, General Manager in charge of International Manpower Resources and Relations at the Renault automobile Group. She is a qualified mechanical engineer with over 26 years’ experience in the automotive sector, currently in charge of international social dialogue, managing and coordinating the Renault Group Works Council. How does she see the rise of women in management positions?
Since 2021, Géraldine Soulié has been in charge of the representative body for all Renault Group employees in Europe and elsewhere in the world, comprising around thirty delegates who represent some fifteen countries. Her professional career has taken her through a number of very different specialties, from purchasing to quality and engineering, via safety and HR, whose human dimension has always been a source of inspiration and motivation for this woman whose driving force is to learn and act. She is also an advocate for greater representation of women managers. «Women are still under-represented in technical and digital professions and even if the quotas imposed by the Rixain law are aimed at corporate governance bodies, it is important to continue to develop a proactive approach in this area at all corporate levels, whether it be in terms of recruitment or career building and progress, monitoring the progress of gender balance in teams and management committees enables us to pay particular attention to women managers and executives, and to oversee their development,» says Géraldine Soulié, the Renault Group always ensuring equal treatment for men and women. In any case, after more than 22 years’ experience within the group, this is the conclusion Géraldine Soulié draws in terms of treatment, development, promotion and career paths.
Boosting women’s careers at Renault
Numerous actions have been implemented within the Group to promote diversity and inclusion, integrating all talents so that everyone can make their contribution under the best possible conditions, for the benefit of both individuals and the company. «It is based on the Diversity & Inclusion Department’s strategy, which rests on four pillars: guaranteeing fair and respectful treatment, offering an inclusive working environment, supporting integration and development and increasing the representation of diversity. These four pillars are interdependent. To guarantee fair treatment, in addition to the Zero Discrimination policy communicated to all employees and integrated into all HR processes, discrimination awareness programmes have been set up throughout the Group, including cognitive bias training for all employees, inclusive management training for all managers, surveys to measure employees’ perceptions of the inclusiveness of their working environment, etc.,» explains Géraldine Soulié.
As for the development of women, several specific programs have been designed to support them: mentoring, coaching and training programs to boost their career development. The Women@RenaultGroup internal network complements the actions taken by the Group to promote the visibility of women and ‘sisterhood’ for greater gender diversity within the company. The automotive and mobility sector is undergoing constant change, and for Géraldine Soulié, accompanying the company in its transformations offers many challenges that she is more than ever ready and willing to tackle.