Caudron C430, myths in flight once more

The Cau­dron C430 Rafale, a two-seat, mono­plane sports or tourism air­craft, made its maid­en flight on May 22, 1934. Jean Mer­moz and René Fon­ck, famed pilots of their time were trained at the Ecole Cau­dron in the Hauts-de-France. Hun­dreds of civil­ian or mil­i­tary planes were pro­duced by Cau­dron in the last cen­tu­ry but only two mod­els of the C430 Rafale. 

It is for these rea­sons that the “Cer­cle des machines volantes [the cir­cle of fly­ing machines]” with its aero­nau­ti­cal fans have agreed to a long-term ped­a­gog­i­cal and tech­no­log­i­cal col­lab­o­ra­tion with UTC, to rebuild the myth­i­cal C430 and the Laté­coère 28 on which Jean Mer­moz was the first to cross the South Atlantic, May 12, 1930. 

The project is man­aged by a UTC research sci­en­tist, Jean-Marc Picard, an air­craft fan who lec­tures inter alia man­age­ment process­es and qual­i­ty. He has built a team of 30 (or so) vol­un­teer stu­dents dis­trib­uted in 6 groups in 2 project work­shops. The objec­tive assigned is to fin­ish — in a 5 year peri­od the recon­struc­tion of both air­craft, thanks to UTC’s tech­ni­cal knowl­edge and knowhow, com­ply­ing with the orig­i­nal spec­i­fi­ca­tions. This is a nec­es­sary con­di­tion – iden­ti­fy­ing the orig­i­nal mate­r­i­al “specs” or to get as close as pos­si­ble in the work­shop stud­ies. One group, for exam­ple, will be study­ing the clean­li­ness of the linen used to wing skins for the Laté­coère, to test it for UV age­ing and damp resis­tance, so as to be as close as pos­si­ble to the orig­i­nal linen “specs”. Anoth­er group will be using CATIA 3 D mod­el­ling to repro­duce the Renault engine parts as used on the Cau­dron Rafale – these parts will be moulded/machined by a team at the IUT Saint Quentin. Oth­er teams will exam­ine the fea­si­bil­i­ty of replac­ing the steels of the ear­ly 20th Cen­tu­ry by mod­ern steel parts.   To meet the team and learn more, ren­dezvous at the air show, June 11 and 12, at Margny-les-Com­piègne, with in-flight pre­sen­ta­tions by mil­i­tary aircraft.

Le magazine

Novembre 2024 - N°64

L’intelligence artificielle : un outil incontournable

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