Prof. Yann MOULIER-BOUTANG delivers his first set of lectures at the University of British Columbia
February 14, 2013, Prof. Yann MOULIER-BOUTANG, chair of economics at UTC Compiegne gave a lecture on “the cognitive capital resource”, first in a programme called the French Scholars Lecture Series, created by the French Consul General in post at Vancouver, the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies (establishment specialised in interdisciplinary development and exchanges among confirmed research scientists) and the University of British Columbia, Canada.
The aim is to encourage and enhance exchanges between French and Canadian research scientists. Six French lecturers were chosen for this first series, each staying for a week on the UBC Campus.
Apart from delivering a public lecture, there were seminar commitments and informal get-togethers and this multiplies the level of exchanges and contacts; the French Scholars Lecture Series will be programmed between February and November 2013.
Pour en savoir plus :
- les French Scholars Lecture Series sur le site du Consulat général de France à Vancouver
- le site du Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies