A new social network for research scientists

‘MyScience­Work’ is the name of a new social net­work for research sci­en­tists and should soon appear in Inter­net. Vir­ginie SIMON who is behind this cre­ation, is a young engi­neer-doc­tor with a great pas­sion for inter­dis­ci­pli­nary work. 

“My the­sis work on the the­mat­ic of nan­otech­nolo­gies, turned out to be pluridis­ci­pli­nary, explains Vir­ginie SIMON.” What I dis­cov­ered rather rapid­ly was that each spe­cial­ty field has its own ‘in-house’ lan­guage and ded­i­cat­ed data-banks”. In less than three years, when she was a young doc­tor­al stu­dent, Vir­ginie SIMON saw her start-up project grow from 3 to 35 staff, took part in the fund rais­ing, recruit­ments, removals. “Over and above the inter­est­ing sci­en­tif­ic con­tent of my the­sis, this pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence real­ly helped in that I was cre­at­ing my own struc­ture” recalls Vir­ginie. ”My con­clu­sion was that if I had man­aged to do my doc­tor­ate suc­cess­ful­ly, I was capa­ble of accept­ing new challenges.” 

No soon­er had Vir­ginie fin­ished her doc­tor­al stud­ies, she donned the entre­pre­neur­ial hard-hat, so to speak, and cre­at­ed My Sci­ence­Work. Her excel­lent knowl­edge of the research milieus and the data-banks used by research sci­en­tists allowed her to imag­ine a vir­tu­al ‘open house’ edi­tors’ office com­bined with a sci­en­tif­ic social net­work. Just like www.researchgate.fr a now well-known Amer­i­can net­work used by sci­en­tists, MyScience­Work will soon offer sci­en­tists and research sci­en­tists from many dis­ci­plines and aca­d­e­m­ic cir­cles, for Web 2.0 applications. 

“The idea behind the project def­i­nite­ly is to pro­vide a mul­ti­lin­gual effi­cient com­mu­ni­ca­tions tool, for the research sci­en­tists who will not only b e able to com­mu­ni­cate among them­selves through the social net­work, but also have access to papers, the­ses, pub­li­ca­tions and even cre­ate their own sci­en­tif­ic library, set up work­ing par­ties, make cer­tain pro­to­col aids avail­able for their col­leagues and sit in on vir­tu­al lec­tures, job forums, etc. “ There are some 30 dif­fer­ent spe­cial­i­ties rep­re­sent­ed on this com­mu­ni­ty net which will be launched, if all goes well, dur­ing sum­mer 2011. MyScience­Work will be the first pro­fes­sion­al social net­work in Europe. 


Le magazine

Novembre 2023 - N°61

Activité physique, nutrition & santé

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