“Broaden your horizon”

As a 1999 UTC graduate in Mechanical Engineering, today Claire Blondel is Global Head of Quality at Decathlon, a company with 110 000 employees present in 70 countries worldwide. She is the God-Mother of the graduation ceremony for the class of 2024.
Claire Blondel is Decathlon’s Head Quality Director, a position she has held since July 2023, after a career that has taken her through a variety of professional environments. As a young UTC graduate, Claire Blondel began her career at Plastic Omnium, where she had carried out her end-of-studies project, before quickly moving on to different countries and companies. For personal reasons, she moved to Hong Kong, where she joined the local Decathlon outlet. Two years later, the company called her back to France to take up a position as Quality Manager for production at its French sites, a post she held for three years. At the age of 29, she was appointed Quality Manager in Shanghai for all production in Asia.
The story with Decathlon seemed to come to an end in 2007 when she left for Japan, once again for personal reasons. It was a choice she was determined to make the most of. “I took a year’s intensive Japanese language course because I wanted to work in industry in Japan, a country renowned for being at the top of the quality game. A choice stymied by the fact that our visa didn’t allow us to hire a nanny for my young children. So I decided to train in Montessori pedagogy at my daughters’ school and became a teacher for 3–6 year-olds,” she recounts.
Three years later, she returned to France, to Lyon to be precise, where she tried to set up a Montessori school. The project failed and she joined Carrier, an American group specializing in air conditioning for industrial buildings. But, once again, the call of “great beyond” proved strongest. First stop was India, as quality manager in a local service company, second Canada, where she joined the educational innovation department of a school that trains students from kindergarten to baccalaureate + 2. This latter experience enabled her to indulge her other passion: education, in addition to her interest in the quality approach that formed the basis of her training and her many professional experiences.
On her return to France, she rejoined Carrier on a part-time basis to take care of the educational innovation consultancy she had set up in Lyon, before returning to Decathlon in 2022.
When Claire Blondel was chosen to be the God- Mother of the Class of 2024, she made no secret of her feelings. “My first reaction was surprise. Then I felt a surge of pride, because I’ve always kept in touch with the UTC, a university with incredible values. I’m a regular contributor to UV SP22 (SP22 — S’apprendre pour mieux gérer A UTC personal performance enhancement course)” she assures us.
Among her messages to students? “First of all, rather than setting a career for the next 30 or 40 years, they should broaden their horizon. A predefined career plan can mean missing out on many rewarding opportunities. It’s also about relieving the guilt of students who don’t have a specific project in mind at the end of their studies, and encouraging them to think about their future chances,” concludes Claire Blondel.