Hybrid training: educational innovation

The ET-LIOS project, an acronym for «Enseignements Technologiques de niveau LIcence Ouverts pour une industrie du futur compétitive et Soutenable» [First Degree level Technology-intensive training for competitive & sustainable industry] is a project of ‘hybridization’ of higher education courses dedicated to ‘Industry of the Future’.
The ET-LIOS project develops «hybrid» pedagogical contents, designed to be used in engineering and industrial training courses, on subjects related to so-called “4.0 technologies”, with a focus on competitiveness and sustainability. The project is carried out by an academic group of 14 partner universities, led by UTC-Compiegne, a member of the S.mart scientific interest group and winner of the «PIA3 New University Courses» programme. Funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) under the Government incentive Programme called “‘Investissements d’Avenir” (PIA), the project was launched in November 2020, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and to meet the need to ensure the pedagogical continuity of HE teaching. Indeed, the 14 partner universities of the project pooled their experiences acquired during the COVID-19 period, in terms of distance learning and continuity of training. They designed and developed various hybrid teaching modules that also meet the needs of «autonomous learning», «flipped classroom» and other innovative training methods. The project is aimed at learners and teachers of SPI, EEA, Pro Licences in the theme, BUT GMP, GEII, GIM, QLIO, MP, SGM, PEC, integrated preparatory cycles of INSA, Polytech, UT, and also first year of the engineering cycle.
Active pedagogy…
«Active teaching is favoured. Remote students can use these simulation software programs like a video game, in a fun environment. The tools made available facilitate learning, in particular the online checks as to the validity of the actions undertaken by the learner. The platforms are accessible, controllable and remotely usable. They make it possible to generate ‘real data’ to illustrate all the trades through their maintenance aspects,» stresses Benoit Eynard, teacher-researcher in industrial engineering, Scientific Manager of ET-LIOS AIP (Uni Lorraine). It is based on six teaching modules: Design-simulation-3D prototyping, Advanced manufacturing and metrology, E‑maintenance of cyber-physical production systems, Digital twin and virtual commissioning of automated production systems, Sustainable and responsible engineering and Intelligent systems and multiphysical modelling.
… and innovative
The latter, for example, aims to train future technicians and engineers to design from the perspective of integrating mechanical, electrical, electronic and software functions. In the context of the design of connected, “smart” and adaptive systems, the engineer integrates structural, sensory and motor functions linked by intelligence. The design and production of these complex, light and resistant components, equipped with a form of autonomy, capable of carrying out measurements and movements or behavioural adaptations, requires the implementation of new skills. «After an introduction presenting the main trends linked to product developments, particularly in the context of the development of mechatronic systems, cyber-physical systems and smart products, several topics are addressed, such as systems thinking, systems engineering, requirements engineering, Model Based System Engineering associated with the SysML language and an awareness of the verification/validation logic. A case study, based on a land-based “climbing” drone for structural inspection, serves as an illustration throughout the course. The example of the drone is also used in a recurrent manner in the tutorials for the application of knowledge and know-how. Classroom time is devoted to a project of design, simulation and realization up to the physical prototyping of a remotely controllable, semi-autonomous device”, explains Matthieu Bricogne, lecturer-cumresearch scientist at UTC and responsible for the module E. Innovative teaching methods such as peer-to-peer model reviews were also devised and associated digital solutions were developed in partnership with the university research group of the Jean-François Champollion institution.
For a sustainable society
The Sustainable and Responsible Engineering module aims at providing open-source teaching materials and to train higher education teachers so that they can integrate socio-ecological issues into their teaching. «Whether we are talking about ecological transition, energy-climate issues or sustainable development, the challenge is the same, namely the transformation of our Society and economy into resilient systems. Integrating socio-ecological issues into our training, our professions and our lives means recognising the need for change. The engineering profession wears two hats. They are both the source of the environmental problem through their involvement in the use of resources and energy and the production of waste, but they are also the ones best placed to find solutions for these problems. The engineer therefore plays a pivotal role between technology and society,» explains Tatiana Reyes- Carillo, a lecturer-cum-research scientist at UTTTroyes (the Université de Technologie de Troyes) and head of module F. The aim of the Sustainable and Responsible Engineering module is to question and reposition the engineer of tomorrow within our Society.
Providing knowledge to lecturerscum- research scientists to feed their thinking
Collaboration with different institutions and the involvement of lecturers from the targeted courses (BUT, bachelor’s degrees) encourage the homogenisation of training modules as well as the tools to be developed and shared. «Of course, we must not forget the technical and pedagogical support for the project, based as it is on a triple challenge: 1° building a collaborative tool with several contributors: 2° structuring of the contents, their formatting and 3° ensuring the sustainability of the resources. We work at the UTC in editorial chains developed internally to manage these three dimensions,» emphasises Manuel Majada, head of the UTC’s pedagogical support unit. The results: a real added value for documents that are more structured, more complete, more comfortable and more interactive for the students. What comes next? To continue to work around the communities created for the production of even more easily reused documents and to continue the reflection on attractive usage scenarios.
- Development of the digital infrastructure for “virtualising” software solutions and hosting educational content.
- Structuring, development and deployment of educational content.
- Measuring the project’s performance and impact on the target training courses.
- Dissemination and availability of educational content.
- To develop new scientific and technological teaching contents, by encouraging the autonomy of learners.
- To experiment these contents with teachers and learners at undergraduate level.
- To make this shared educational content, made vailable to S.mart members and, more broadly, to academic actors at the national level.
- To develop platforms and resources compatible with the hybridisation of teaching and other forms of innovative teaching, and to make them available to the educational community.
- Measure the performance of the project and the impact on the target courses, with students and teachers.
Maxime Blampain, 21 years old, who studied for his bachelor’s degree at UTT, majoring in Design & Material Shaping Processes last year and is currently doing a Master’s degree in Digital mechanics and design at INSSET, Saint-Quentin.
How did the ET-LIOS project contribute to your personal learning?
I was a student assistant engineer at the UTC within the ET-LIOS project and my role was to take part in the creation of contents and to bring my student vision to the various proposed contents, to ensure that the courses and statements were clear. This training allowed me to develop my knowledge, particularly in the field of materials. This work-study period within the ET-LIOS project has given me a lot of knowledge on the IT aspect, as I come from a background that is more focused on mechanical design. These two fields are complementary in my opinion.
How did you experience this period of online remote learning?
This period was quite complicated I must say. Staying behind a screen with headphones on so as not to disturb the rest of the house was not pleasant. Interaction with colleagues and teachers was complicated. The practical classes were difficult to follow as we did not have the machines at our disposal and reading dozens of pages of PDFs on how to use the machines was a ‘pain in the neck’. So hybridisation of courses is a good formula when the support is wellstructured and the contents are adapted. Yes, it’s a good formula when you can’t come on site, which is the case today with the fuel shortage, refinery strikes, etc.
What are the virtues of this teaching method?
The positive aspects of this formula are obviously: a better flexibility of work, the possibility of managing personal problems and unforeseen events while continuing to work. For example, the car won’t start so I have to stay at home, but I can give an on-line course by video. Since the beginning of this year, I’m delivering a work-study programme at Cetim in Senlis and my professional project is to evolve within a design office in the field of motor sports or aeronautics.