The « Rebond Cadres » Fair : where executives bounce back : a “first” both live and on-line

The 8th «Rebond Cadres» Fair took place on Feb­ru­ary 4; 2021 in on-line mode but live via social net­works in par­tic­u­lar. A first which was a suc­cess and pro­vid­ing com­pa­nies and exec­u­tives with pos­si­bil­i­ties to engage in pro­fes­sion­al tran­si­tion or think­ing about recon­ver­sion to dis­cov­er the scheme. Hori­zon Emploi Cadres. 

Organ­ised by UTC, APEC, Pôle Emploi and the Hauts-de-France Region, the 8th edi­tion of the “Rebond Cadres” Fair, offered in vir­tu­al mode at the begin­ning of Feb­ru­ary, served as a gate­way for exchanges in order to estab­lish con­nec­tions between the dif­fer­ent actors in the ser­vice of employ­ment: entre­pre­neurs, insti­tu­tion­al part­ners, pro­fes­sion­als in the field of recruit­ment, train­ing and exec­u­tives in pro­fes­sion­al tran­si­tion or with tran­si­tion projects. Dur­ing this “net­work­ing” day, vis­i­tors were able to attend two “live con­fer­ences” and numer­ous work­shops. The themes were rich and var­ied, rang­ing from the ben­e­fits of soft skills to the tool­box for find­ing a job and which net­works are essen­tial for find­ing a job? “It is essen­tial for exec­u­tives to get out of their iso­la­tion when look­ing for a job. So this kind of meet­ing, even by video­con­fer­ence, is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to bounce­back. Main­tain­ing one’s net­work, shar­ing webi­na­rs, round tables and events like “Rebond Cadres” isa chance,” says Eric Ertzbischoff, pro­duc­tion and con­tin­u­ing improve­ment direc­tor at EJ Picardie.*

Solidarity is a bonus factor

One of the lec­tures addressed the ques­tion of how to bounce back with UTC from the cri­sis when you are a deci­sion-mak­er or an exec­u­tive. “Since the begin­ning of 2020, the health cri­sis has hit both com­pa­nies and their employ­ees. It has also had an impact on the recruit­ment of exec­u­tives in pro­fes­sion­al tran­si­tion. Based on this obser­va­tion, UTC’s con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion team won­dered about the actions it could under­take in order to con­tribute to the eco­nom­ic stim­u­la­tion of the ter­ri­to­ry. From this reflec­tion was born Hori­zon Emploi Cadres. The UTC pro­pos­es, in fact, to pri­vate and pub­lic organ­i­sa­tions to join it by com­mit­ting them­selves to one of its two sol­i­dar­i­ty pro­grammes which are“Digital skills” and “A diplo­ma for employ­ment””, invites François Velu, direc­tor of the con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion at UTC. It is thus a ques­tion of par­tic­i­pat­ing in a sol­i­dar­i­ty approach along­side the UTC. By entrust­ing employ­ees in con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion to UTC, the lat­ter puts in reserve a part of the rev­enues. This reserve makes it pos­si­ble to fund cer­ti­fied train­ing cours­es for exec­u­tives in pro­fes­sion­al tran­si­tion, reg­is­tered with Pôle Emploi and admit­ted in the “Rebond Cadres “sup­port scheme of UTC. An assess­ment of this action will sure­ly be dis­cov­ered dur­ing the “Rebond Cadres“2022 exhibition! 

Le magazine

Novembre 2023 - N°61

Activité physique, nutrition & santé

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