“Curiouser & Curiouser”

Sabine Allouch­ery grad­u­at­ed from UTC major­ing in com­put­er engi­neer­ing (with elec­tive spe­cial­ist option robot­ics) in 1988. Since 2005, after a career in the com­put­er indus­try, Sabine Allouch­ery has been a coach and ther­a­pist. Por­trait of a woman with bound­less curiosity. 

Curi­ous? Did you say curi­ous? Sabine Allouch­ery demon­strat­ed this in her years in “prepara­to­ry class­es”. While the grandes écoles [French engi­neer­ing schools] opened their arms to her, but she chose UTC. Why so? “I saw UTC as mod­ern. It worked with a UV sys­tem, which was inno­v­a­tive for an engi­neer­ing school. The oth­er schools seemed more clas­si­cal to me. UTC was also more human in the sense that, along­side tech­no­log­i­cal knowl­edge, it also includ­ed a man­age­ment dimen­sion. It required a one-year intern­ship in a com­pa­ny, 6 months in the sec­ond year and 6 months at the end of the cycle, and offered many part­ner­ships abroad. I absolute­ly want­ed to have an expe­ri­ence out­side our bor­ders,” she says. After a first intern­ship at Poclain on real-time com­put­ing, she joined Philips Kom­mu­nika­tion A.G. in Nurem­berg for her final year intern­ship. “Dur­ing the first intern­ship, it was the sep­a­ra­tion between the bluecol­lar work­ers who had lunch at noon and the white-col­lar work­ers at 1 p.m. that struck me. I’m also delight­ed to expe­ri­ence the pro­gramme I devel­oped by dri­ving a hydraulic exca­va­tor myself. At Philips, I came to love the inter­na­tion­al atmos­phere, and tak­ing part in the devel­op­ment of the first mobile phone com­pil­er,” she explains. Still curi­ous? “My col­leagues were motor­cy­clists and I start­ed accom­pa­ny­ing them on their motor­bike rides. I caught the virus and as soon as I got back to France, I passed my Big Bike* licence”, she jokes. [spe­cial “A” licence required for bikes over 35 kW (47/6 HP)] After grad­u­at­ing from the UTC, rather than turn­ing to indus­try, the log­i­cal con­tin­u­a­tion of her Robot­ics spe­cial­i­ty, she prefers to join a man­age­ment IT ser­vices com­pa­ny. “I did very lit­tle pro­gram­ming. Hav­ing easy con­tact, the man­agers quick­ly offered me the posi­tion of “solu­tions archi­tect”, then that of man­ag­er of a team of con­sul­tants. I was bare­ly 25 years old,” she says. Curios­i­ty once again? “I changed com­pa­nies sev­er­al times, each time valu­ing my expe­ri­ence and my thirst to learn, my thirst for new things. My last posi­tion in the soft­ware world was at BMC Soft­ware as sales direc­tor and then mar­ket­ing direc­tor,” she says. Still curi­ous? “You are a sales direc­tor, you talk more about peo­ple than num­bers”, says a head­hunter. “I reply that num­bers are a con­se­quence of good man­age­ment. The job of man­ag­er fas­ci­nat­ed me, much more com­plex than a robot, much rich­er than mil­lions of euros,” she adds.

New curios­i­ty and a change of direc­tion? A trip to the desert with a Tibetan lama cre­ates a new inner lane ‘fast-track’ route. Sabine wants to deep­en her under­stand­ing of humans. She leaves BMC to set up her own con­sult­ing busi­ness and con­tin­ues her train­ing. First in Sophrol­o­gy, then at the Gre­go­ry-Bate­son Insti­tute (IGB) where she trains in short-term and strate­gic ther­a­py, which comes from the work of the Palo Alto school. “After 11 years as a ther­a­pist in my prac­tice and as a con­sul­tant in com­pa­nies, I am pas­sion­ate about peo­ple and nature. I am look­ing for­ward to con­tin­u­ing to dis­cov­er and learn through life expe­ri­ences,” says Sabine. Ulti­mate curios­i­ty and new ori­en­ta­tion? “Yes as a nov­el­ist. Seek­ing a pub­lish­er for my new nov­el is my goal today,” she concludes. 


1988 : engi­neer­ing grad­u­ate from UTC 2000 : dis­cov­ered med­i­ta­tion in the Mau­ri­tan­ian desert 2002 : qual­i­fied in sophrol­o­gy and per­son­al coach­ing. Cre­at­ed sev­er­al com­pa­nies: GO Elan Con­seil, Nau­tic TV and A2 Part­ner 2009 : opened her con­sul­tan­cy agency for short ther­a­py pro­grammes 2015 : self-edit­ed: « Réus­sir con­tre toute logique » et « Maigrir con­tre toute logique » [“Illog­i­cal Suc­cess” and “Illog­i­cal Slim­ming” 2017 : 1st nov­el : « Mon pre­mier jour » [“My First Day”] – Ed. Mélibée

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Novembre 2023 - N°61

Activité physique, nutrition & santé

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